dōTERRA stammer fra latin og betyder "Jordens gave."
Denne information er kun tilgængelig på engelsk.
Suppose a class is held on the last day of the month, but enrolment is done 3 business days after the class, making the enrolment the following month. During which month will enrolment be accounted for?
The enrolment counts for the month in which the class was held. However, if you would like the enrolment to count for the following month (the month in which the enrolment was made), please reach out to the Diamond Club team on the day you choose to enrol the enrolee so this request can be reviewed. Late requests for this may not be accepted.
Can someone in my team enrol new members through my portal for me?
No. You will risk your membership in Diamond Club and will be disqualified. You are the only person allowed to enrol through your portal as you are the one who has agreed to the terms and conditions of the program.
Is there a requirement for my classes to be in or out of area?
No. You can hold your classes wherever you like; it can be online and it can also be a one-to-one class.
What happens if someone in my team participates in Diamond Club too?
As for qualification, participation, and maintenance, the same enrolment cannot count for two Diamond Club participants simultaneously. Please coordinate with your team member.
Does the new enrolee need to have an LRP (Loyalty Rewards Program) set up at the time of the enrolment? How do they get product points awarded?
No, the new enrolee doesn’t need to set up his LRP at enrolment. If the new enrolee wants to get the 25 product points, they can set their LRP up at any time within the month of enrolment and the following month
If I forget to enrol my new member through the portal, what can I do?
If it is still within the three business days of enrolment, you may email europediamondclub@doterra.com/dachdiamondclub@doterra.com and we will investigate it.
Can I qualify with an enrolment outside Europe?
No, Europe Diamond Club is a Europe and Israel-wide project and does not include other countries outside of Europe or Israel. While we are happy that you are enrolling on other continents, please note that those enrolments will not count for your qualification, nor will the enrolee qualify for Diamond Club promotions. These enrolments must also not be made using the Diamond Club enrolment portal. Please note Russia or South Africa enrolments also do not qualify.
Can my sponsor be from another market outside Europe?
Yes, your sponsor can be anyone in your direct sponsor upline in any market.
If doTERRA offers an enrolment promotion, will my new enrolee benefit from this promotion too?
Yes, your enrolee will benefit from the enrolment promotion and from the Diamond Club free product(s).
How many times can I participate in Diamond Club?
You can participate as many times as you like. However, you are only entitled to the Diamond Club trip incentive twice.
I’ve reached Diamond rank before, can I participate in Diamond Club as a participant?
You may participate under the following conditions: 1) You must meet all qualification criteria *Including not reaching the rank of Diamond during the 3 qualification months of DC; 2) You will not participate in the prizes and will not qualify for the trip; 3) Your points will not be shown in the rankings;
The highest rank I achieved at doTERRA is Premier or above. Do I have to maintain Premier or above during Diamond Club season to proceed?
No. However, you must meet the full monthly requirements to proceed to the next month and potentially graduate.
How do I process a Diamond Club enrolment?
There are three ways to process a Diamond Club Enrolment.
How do I access the Diamond Club portal?
The enrolments I made are not yet showing on my participant website. Is there an issue?
The enrolments can take up to 72 hours to reflect on your participant website after payment has been made. If the enrolment is still not reflecting correctly after 72 hours, please contact the Diamond Club team. Please note enrolments made by bank transfer may take longer to appear whilst payment is processed; up to 5 business days.
What does the status ‘Enrolled without Promo Code’ / ‘Not Enrolled’ mean?
There are multiple reasons why an enrolment may show a different status. Below are a few reasons.
In this scenario where two orders have been placed since the initial order failed, please contact Diamond Club directly so that we can ensure the system recognises the correct order as your enrolment order.
In any of the cases above, please contact the Diamond Club team as soon as possible so that the team can review and support you where possible. When emailing Diamond Club, it is important to include the full name and member ID number of the enrolee of interest.
The enrolee I enrolled did not receive the Diamond Club promotion oils. Why has this happened?
Please refer to the possible reasons below.
Please contact the Diamond Club Team so we can help solve the query for you.
I can’t sign into my participant website. What can I do to solve this issue?
Try clearing your cache, cookies and then attempt to sign in again.
In my class attendee list, I included the email address of each person. Can I add them to a different class with the same email address?
If you add an individual to two of your classes and then choose to enrol them, the system counts the first class you added them to as their enrolment month. However, if the enrolment period is over 3 business days, it does not count as a Diamond Club enrolment.
Visit our website: https://www.doterra.com/ME/en_ME/diamond-club
Contact us on europediamondclub@doterra.com
Can someone in my team enrol new members for me?
No. You will risk your membership in Diamond club and will be disqualified. You are the only person allowed to enrol through your portal and using your ID as you are the one who has agreed to the terms and conditions of the program.
Can I share my ID number with a new enrollee instead of doing the enrolment myself?
No. You must either set up a link for the new enrollee using the Link Generator tool, or process the enrolment yourself.
I have qualified for a Diamond Club Sourcing Trip but can't attend, can I defer my place to the next available trip?
Members who defer an upcoming trip will be added to a waiting list. They will then be notified of trip dates simultaneously with new qualifiers. Once registration for new qualifiers closes, any remaining trip spaces will be offered to those who deferred from a previous trip on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that when a member chooses to defer, dōTERRA cannot guarantee when they will be accommodated on a sourcing trip.
I've completed the enrolments requirement, but due to placements actions (gifting, transfers, swaps etc), I am no longer the enroller of the enrollees that would qualify me. Do I still qualify?
No, those enrolments will no longer count towards your progress as you are no longer the enroller. In order for the enrolments to qualify you, these have to be kept for at least the bonus months while Diamond Club is running.
Please contact the Europe Diamond Club Team on europediamondclub@doterra.com.
Please contact the DACH Diamond Club Team on dachdiamondclub@doterra.com.