Origin: a Latin derivative
meaning "Gift of the Earth."
doTERRA expects and requires its independent sales force to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of ethical behavior. doTERRA Wellness Advocates are expected to practice the following ethical behavior when introducing people to, and representing the Company and its products. Violations of the Code of Ethics may subject the Wellness Advocate to disciplinary action by the Company depending on the materiality of the violation. The following guidelines help ensure a uniform standard of excellence throughout the doTERRA organization. All Wellness Advocates should:
A. Be respectful of every person while conducting doTERRA related business.
B. Conduct themselves and their business activities in an ethical, moral, legal and financially honest manner. Wellness Advocates should not engage in activities and behavior that would bring disrespect or embarrassment to doTERRA, its corporate officers, employees, themselves, or other Wellness Advocates.
C. Refrain from making negative or disparaging statements about other, doTERRA, other companies, their employees, or their products.
D. Refrain from making negative or disparaging statements about other doTERRA Wellness Advocates.
E. Be truthful in representations of doTERRA products. Do not make diagnostic, therapeutic, curative or exaggerated claims.
F. Give support and encouragement to customers to ensure that their experience with doTERRA is meaningful and rewarding. Wellness Advocates should provide proper support and training to those they sponsor and who are in their Organization.
G. Accurately teach and represent the doTERRA Sales Compensation Plan. Be honest in explaining the income one may earn under the Sales Compensation Plan. Wellness Advocates should not use their own income as an indication of other’s potential success, or use compensation checks as marketing materials.
H. Abide by all of doTERRA policies and procedures as they are currently found in this Policy Manual and the other Contract documents, and as they may be amended in the future.