„dōTERRA” provine din limba latină și înseamnă „Darul pământului”.
Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Romania, Switzerland
ghaeussner@t-online.deI started AromaTouch Technique as one of the very first in Europe 2011 – and was introduced and trained directly by Dr. Hill himself a couple of times.
I never saw a more powerful way for relaxing with so powerful body results. I trained a lot of new instructors and be happy that they and I can change also little and challenging issues. Europe needs the AromaTouch Technique and the specific help we can give families and customers while we improve well-being.
The AromaTouch Technique experience is wonderful for the whole family as well for any professional. It is so easy to learn and do, simple and safe but more of that with the AromaTouch you get a chance to learn the basics of essential oils, experience and learn how to give it to your beloved ones or people who need the power pack of 8 oils to get a plus in life in any aspects – wellness pure for any aspects in life and always a WOW effect for everybody.
To let Gabriela know of your interest in the AromaTouch Technique, send her an email here: