
What account options will there be?

  • New members who wish to enjoy doTERRA products, have preferential pricing, and participate in the Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP), can enroll as a Wholesale Customer (WC). And later on this Wholesale Customer (WC) can request for upgrading his/her account to become Wellness Advocate (WA) when he/she would like to do doTERRA Business.
  • The same global rules for these account types will generally apply to Thailand accounts as well. When there are differences, they will be specifically pointed out.


What is the cost to become a Wholesale Customer or Wellness Advocate?

  • The enrollment fee for all of our members will be 1,120 THB (VAT inclusive)

What does the enrollment fee include and what is it for?

  • The enrollment fee is the only fee required to be a doTERRA member
  • This fee may be waived by purchasing an enrollment kit.


Is there an annual membership renewal fee?

  • Yes, every member is required to renew each year, during the 13th month after enrollment and each subsequent anniversary.
  • The annual renewal fee will be 800 THB (VAT inclusive) and the member receives a FREE doTERRA Essential Oil for staying with us! (Free product will vary depends on company’s direction).


What will the process for enrollment be like?

  • All new members may enroll online at www.mydoTERRA.com or by filling out a WA or WC agreement and submit required documents (for personal enrollment : copy of Gov. ID, copy of local book bank / for company : business addendum form, copy of company affidavit, copy of Gov. ID of committees, copy of local book bank (under company name) within 30 days thru thialand@doterra.com or at the product center (Will Call) in Bangkok. 

  • The enrollment process for all members includes these steps:
  1. Select Thailand as country.
  2. Provide contact and home address information that is unique to the member. Email address and phone number are mandatory so we can contact you if there is an issue with delivery of product.
  3. Select an enrollment kit or pay the enrollment fee, and select and initial order with your desired products. (We encourage enrollment with a kit because it provides the best value – including up to an additional 20% discount on the product and we waive the enrollment fee – and, it is the best experience for new members who are learning the benefits of our oils.)
  4. Select product and timing for the LRP auto-shipment.


What’s the difference between Wellness Advocate (WA) and Wholesale Customer (WC)?

  • Wellness Advocate: A Person who is an independent contractor authorized by the Company to purchase and retail products to Customers, recruit other Wellness Advocates, and receive Bonuses in accordance with the requirements of the Sales Compensation Plan.They are our most common member type.  Sometimes referred to as Distributors.
  • Wholesale Customer: A Wholesale Customer is a Person who purchases products at a discount. A Wholesale Customer does not earn bonuses through the doTERRA Compensation Plan. A Wholesale Customer, however, may earn volume discounts on products through doTERRA’s Loyalty Reward Program.

 The only difference between WC and WA is that they cannot earn commissions and have a downline. They also have access to the Virtual Office - however, it is only for making orders.


Can foreigners apply for membership?

  • Yes, Foreigners can apply for Wholesale Customer (WC) membership only because the system does not require any documents.


What enrollment kits will be available? 

  • Thailand have 5 Enrollment kits :
  1. 10 Oils Starter Kit  Learn more
  2. Family Essentials Kit with Pebble Diffuser and Fractionated Coconut Oil  Learn more
  3. Home Essential Kit Learn more
  4. Premium Kit Learn more
  5. Professional Kit  Learn more

 The flyer for the kits is available here

What will be shipping fees look like and what is the expected delivery time frame?

  • doTERRA will ensure shipping fees are competitive and reasonable, Flat rate 100 THB VAT inclusive per order
  • Average delivery times range from 1-2 business days in Metro Bangkok to 3-5 business days elsewhere; remote regions of Thailand may take slightly longer.


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