Illa Graw - AromaTouch Technique™ Trainer

About Illa

Illa started sharing dōTERRA in November 2016 and then was introduced to the AromaTouch Technique in October 2016. Here is what she has to say about the AromaTouch Technique:

Why do you love the AromaTouch Technique?

My first experience with ATT was a disaster. For many years I was suffering MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) and was therefore highly sensitive because of toxins in my surrounding.

I hadn’t started and hadn’t used the oils for long, had only been a customer for 6 weeks. After the day, I did the ATT Training with Adheesh, I had a terrible night and suffered a lot of uncomfortable symptoms. Later I realised that the ATT treatment had been my starting point in a holistic healing process.

I was very enthusiastic when I realised it and started immediately to use my family as my guinea pigs, in order to practise this treatment on others. After their feedbacks were very positive, I widened my experience with ATT on my customers. The result was always the same: my customers enjoyed it – often more than a common massage.

One of my professions I did study, when I was young, was physiotherapy and I had liked this profession. Therefore, I soon decided to become an ATT trainer.

The story ends with the training on 2nd February 2020 in Munich. This was the second time I got the treatment. The result this time? The evening after the training I was not exhausted. On the contrary, I felt very energetic and the following 2 nights I slept like a bear. Wonderful!!

Why would you encourage others to learn the AromaTouch Technique?

Actually, I don’t have to. As soon as I speak about ATT, customers or people who are interested in dōTERRA oils ask me, when I offer the next training. Obviously people want to learn using the oils in this way on their families or friends.

To let Illa know of your interest in the AromaTouch Technique, send her an email here:

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