Save 40% when you purchase a Wholesale Membership Learn More

Save 40% when you purchase a Wholesale Membership

Promotion Details:

Joining doTERRA with a membership fee of HK$280.00*, a Wholesale Customer or Wellness Advocate will receive the following benefits:

  • 40% off retail prices
  • Option to receive 10 to 30% of orders back in points redeemable for free product
  • Option to receive the cost of your shipping back in points redeemable for free product
  • Place a monthly order over 125 PV and receive the free product of the month

*After becoming a Wholesale Member, the yearly renewal fee for a wholesale membership is $280. This renewal fee comes with a free bottle of Peppermint oil when you place your first order after your renewal.  Peppermint oil is one of the most popular oils doTERRA offers, a retail value of HK$405.00. If you would like to learn more about becoming a member or the membership benefits, please feel free to contact us at +852 3197 6699.

終生保健套裝 Lifelong Vitality Pack 

Item: 60226876
Size: 3 Bottles
Retail: HK$1,380.00
Wholesale: HK$825.00
PV: 78


The doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack® (LLV) makes taking the first step toward a lifetime of vitality and wellness both convenient and affordable. Your health and vitality depend on diet, physical activity, weight management, rest, stress management, toxin exposure, inherited genetic predisposition for disease or wellness, and more. While some variables are beyond your control, breakthrough scientific research is revealing many ways you can influence—and even control—significant aging and wellness factors.

A long life of vitality and healthy aging begins with giving your cells essential nutrients and metabolic factors that help them perform optimally.

Kit Contains:

Additional Offer: Customize your kit by adding up to three of the follow products (For LRP only)

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