Hong Kong Founders Club 2.0 FAQ

Q: I am not a HK/MO member. Can I strive for HKFC2.0?

A: Yes!


Q: Must my qualifying legs come from my first level downlines?

A: Not a must. You can enroll new HK/MC members and place them to existing legs. For example, you enroll A, B and C then place them to leg 1, 2 and 3 separately. When A, B, C fulfill the requirement of qualifying HK/MC Premier, you will qualify as GOLD with local volume.



Q: My non-HK/MC members place orders in Hong Kong. Does it count as local volume?

A: No. Local volume must be generated by HK/MC members.


Q: My HK/MC members placed orders in overseas markets. Does it count as local volume?

No. Overseas orders will not be counted as local volume.


Q: Does NFR count as local volume?

A: If the NFR order is placed by a HK/MC member, it is counted as local volume. If NFR order is placed by a non-HK/MC member, it will not be counted.


Q: Is registration needed to join the program?

Yes, otherwise the volume will not be counted. The registration period starts from Oct 1, 2024


Q: I am a new join member. Can I join HKFC2.0?

A: Yes.


Q: I don’t know how to count my 90% local volume for qualifying Premier.

A: The following examples. Case 1 & 2 are qualified, but case 3 does not.


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