Clear your clutter

We’re just over the half way point of the year, the time when clutter starts creeping back into our lives. 

It’s time for you to take control of your life, time to clear out the physical, mental and emotional clutter that is holding you back from thriving in your doTERRA business. We know that can be easier said than done, so we have a few suggestions of how you can clear the physical, mental and emotional clutter from your life, and tackle the second half of the year with clarity. 

Let’s start with the physical clutter. Your physical surroundings have a huge impact on your mental state. Clutter in your home can be distracting, and affect your ability to concentrate on what you are working on. What can you do about it? Go through your house, and in every room fill up 1 full bag to give away, sell or donate. Trust us- holding onto things “just in case” can block your creativity and clutter your mind. So if you haven’t used or worn something in a year, it’s time to say goodbye to it and make space in your life for your doTERRA business.

Mental clutter can be a little harder to clear. We all have those days where we feel like our minds are racing and we keep getting distracted by a million things! What’s our suggestion for combatting that? Meditation! Meditation is a great way to reduce stress, improve concentration and increase happiness. Diffusing some Sandalwood or Balance essential oil while you meditate can also provide a grounding environment. 

Emotional clutter is another potential hurdle to achieving your clutter-free life. We all have times when we feel emotionally overwhelmed, and sometimes everything feels a bit too much. When the emotional clutter is high, our go-to is meditation! Diffusing Sandalwood essential oil whilst meditating is our favourite way to clear any emotional baggage that may be weighing us down. It can be done anywhere, at any time and there are some great apps you can download to help you get started! If meditation isn’t for you, there are other options like yoga, running, dancing, really anything that keeps your mind distracted.

Living the clutter-free life can be a big change, but we promise- getting rid of things you don’t need is extremely rewarding! Once you’ve done a huge clean out, get your diffuser going with your favourite oil and sit back, relax and enjoy your new environment! 


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