Working Through Holidays

During the holiday season, it can be hard for a small business to keep running at their regular pace. Not only are you busier than ever, your team and potential enrollees are also. Here are some basic ideas on how to keep your business going during this time of year:

1. Get involved in your community. This can be anything from attending community events, individually or as a team, to setting up a community service project (See some of our service ideas here). Community events can be great opportunities to meet a lot of people and advertise your business. Also, serving others makes the holidays special, and it sends a clear message about how much your team cares.

2. Use your social media. Having an online presence is more important than ever during the holidays. It can be hard to hold classes during this time, but you can make sure that people remain aware of your business and the products even while they are busy.

3. Focus on promotions and incentives. Make sure to emphasize any promotions from doTERRA® corporate or hold special incentives for your team to get people involved. You may also create your own compliant incentives that will help.

4. Promote giving. Sharing is already part of your business daily. During the holidays, you can take advantage of the gift-giving tradition to introduce your friends and family to doTERRA products. Encourage your team to do the same.

5. Go the extra mile to help people. Especially during this hectic time of year, putting in the extra effort to make this time easier for someone will mean a lot to them. Whether it’s getting them the samples they need, or simply answering their questions to the best of your ability, a good attitude will go a long way.

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