Using doTERRA On Guard® and Frankincense for Self-Care

With all the buzz surrounding self-care, it can be confusing to know what it is, or what it isn’t. The definition itself can be broad: some define it as any activity you engage in to take care of your mental, emotional, or physical health and wellbeing. The best way to look at it, however, is making sure that it’s an activity or action that refuels or energizes you, rather than takes and drains from you. Caring for yourself in this way means that you will have better quality of life. It does not mean that you are a selfish individual, rather it means that you take the necessary steps to ensure your needs are met, so that you can then meet the needs of others.

Incorporating doTERRA On Guard® and Frankincense into your essential oil routine is a simple way to start taking better care of yourself, physically and emotionally. Together, Frankincense and doTERRA On Guard offer wonderful support to your body that would be hard to replicate any other way.


There are a number of ways to use each oil for self-care on a daily basis. We’ve listed five below:


Diffusing the warm and spicy aroma of doTERRA On Guard can help energize you to take on the day, and also cleanse and purify the air inside your home for a better living environment.

Taking care of your emotional health is paramount to self-care. Wearing or diffusing the relaxing fragrance of Frankincense oil brings added satisfaction, peace, and feelings of overall wellness to your morning routine.

If you practice yoga or need to meditate, diffusing Frankincense oil during these experiences will help you in focusing your intention, and will help you have a positive and productive rest of your day.

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