Pretty Florals

Flowers are pretty but did you know that when it comes to essential oils, these pretty flowers have wonderful uses too!

Clary Sage

- Rub 2-4 drops during your menstrual cycle for a soothing massage
- Apply 1-2 drops to your pillow for a restful night’s sleep

- Apply topically to help reduce the appearance of blemishes
- Apply to face to promote a youthful looking complexion
- Massage to temples and back of neck for a soothing massage

- Apply onto skin to soothe occasional skin irritations
- Add a few drops of Lavender to your pillow for a restful night’s sleep
- Add to a spray bottle of water and use to refresh bed linens, car or even mattress

Ylang Ylang
- Add a few drops to Fractionated coconut oil to be used as a deep hair conditioner
- Diffuse 2-4 drops to help uplift mood
- Add to Epsom salt for a relaxing and soothing bath

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