Gym Bag Essentials

For busy city dwellers, gym visits are essential to keeping our body and mind fit for our busy lifestyle. While everyone has a couple of must-have items to bring to the gym, here are some ways that you can incorporate doTERRA® products for your next visit.


Sore Muscles after a Workout – Never leave the house to exercise without Deep Blue® Rub. Containing Deep Blue® Soothing Blend, this handy rub provides a comforting sensation of cooling and warmth to problem areas, especially after a strenuous workout.


Sanitizing Spray – Heading to the gym also means that you will be sharing equipment with tons of other people you do not know. Add 2-3 drops of On Guard® into a glass spray with water to carry along when you are trying out different gym equipment.


Breath of Fresh Air when Exercising – Thou you can’t really carry along a diffuser when you exercise, never let that deter you from getting the benefits of essential oils throughout your workout. Handy roll-ons such Peppermint and doTERRA Breathe® are great to carry along in your gym bag. Simply rub on the essential oils on your temples or behind your ears before exercise.

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