Counting down to Christmas

With the holidays nearing, many of us would be clearing off our remainder leaves at work to take some time off for self and family. Here are some suggestions to use this time to recuperate from the busy 2019.


Good Sleep – we all know that regular good sleep is important but since its holidays, why not just cut the snooze button totally and indulge in some good quality sleep.

Great Essential Oils That You Can Use: Lavender, Serenity, Sandalwood

Regular Exercise – While we cannot all become cardio bunnies, it is always great to take some time to put in some exercise. Exercise is not just about slimming down but can also help you feel refreshed after a great workout!

Great Essential Oils That You Can Use: Peppermint, Deep Blue

Family Time
– Although we may all stay in the same house with our loved ones, we may not necessary get to spend time sitting down and talking to them while being busy with our daily lives. Take the time to sit down, diffuse your favourite essential oil and watch an episode of drama with your family or sit down for a meal with them. You never know how much quality time helps.

Great Essential Oils That You Can Use: Lavender, Peppermint

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