Back to School

Looking for a fresh start of the school for the New Year? Other than preparing the right books and uniforms for your little ones, perhaps introducing some essential oils that may help them through school days would be great to help them prepare for the challenging school year!


Staying Focus
Have a bottle of InTune handy in your child’s school bag to prepare him for a long day of focus in school. Simply teach him to roll InTune on his temples before class!


Happy Heart
A happy heart is all you need for a happy year back in school. Take a moment to sit down with your child and decide on what are the oils that he feels uplifts his spirits. You can also pick out oils such as Cheer, Balance or from the kids' collection for your child to alternate. Spend a little time every morning to help him apply before the start of the school day.


Healthy and Strong
While viruses are common in environments such as school, drop a few drops of On Guard on your child’s uniform to help fend off pesky viruses. Also, ensure that your child has a great breakfast before the start of the school day to keep him energized, happy and healthy through the day!

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