An Oil For Every Weather

Unlike countries with four seasons, Southeast Asia weather is ever unpredictable and we are often caught outdoors at the worst weather. Rather than feeling terrible about it, try one of these essential oils to overcome the weather, and more importantly your mood!

Hot and Stuffy
Located near the equator, we are surrounded by hot summer weather most part of the year. Peppermint is a great essential oil to cool you off in the hot weather. Perspiring can sometimes also cause skin irritations. Having a Lavender at hand can be great to soothe occasional skin irritations caused by the weather.

Rain and Sticky
Cooler weather in Southeast Asia also means that it may be raining. With high humidity most of the time, it is always good to be bringing along some handy oils fit for the weather. Don’t let the gloom of not being able to get outdoors brood you. Diffuse doTERRA Cheer indoors and enjoy a nice day at home!

With haze being common during some parts of the year, essential oils such as Clearify and doTERRA Purify are great to have at home. Keep the diffuser running and diffuse one of these to create a safe home environment for your loved ones.

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