Essential Oils for Focus

We know that to get any task done to the best of our ability, we need to be able to focus. Ironically, it’s usually when we need it most that we can’t manage to focus at all. Give your brain the extra help it needs by following a routine to help get into the mindset of focus. Such a routine could include creating the atmosphere you need, and limiting distractions. Various essential oils can help with every stage of focus.
If you have been studying or need to give a presentation at work, it is also important to be able to recall information. Essential oils can help and support your mind in this stage of your tasks.

Creating Your Atmosphere

A major component of focus is the atmosphere you surround yourself with. If possible, choose one room or location to do your work in. At least fifteen minutes before you begin, create a focused environment by diffusing the following essential oils by themselves, or in a blend:

  • Basil oil: Perfect for those that need mental clarity, Basil is great on its own or when diffused with Peppermint or Cedarwood.
  • Douglas Fir oil: Like the deep and grounded roots of a fir tree, the aroma of Douglas Fir gives you a sense of focus. It can also help promote a positive mood if you need a more positive outlook.
  • Eucalyptus oil: Clear the mind and chase away tense feelings by putting a few drops of Eucalyptus into your diffuser.
  • Spearmint oil: Something about mint oils just invigorates the mind. The aroma of Spearmint stimulates a sense of focus and, like Douglas Fir, uplifts your mood.

A handy tip: You can also use these oils topically for a similar effect if you’re in a place where diffusion is difficult. Dilute any of the above oils with Fractionated Coconut oil as needed.

Limiting Distractions

Keeping away the electronic devices that threaten to swallow your attention, and staying away from email are sure to up your ability to focus. Aside from the single oils we’ve mentioned, get even more into the mindset when you use the InTune® Focus Blend. Roll it onto your temples and neck to enhance your concentration on the task before you. The aroma will help clear your mind and give you the power to keep on track. If you find it easy to focus in the morning, but harder as the day wears on, use InTune in the afternoon to help maintain focus.




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